To all Members,

First off, the Board would like to wish everyone a happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

2024 was a good year at ARGC,
We would like to thank everyone that came out to organize, run, participate, and help with the events.


Archery ( Youth and Adult)
Black Powder (Cap and Flintlock)
Decathlon / Summer Picnic
Hunter Safety (Regular state course and Youth Outdoor Weekend)
Youth fishing derby
Rifle shoots (ARA, ABRA, KYL, Dum Dum, ....)
Skeet (Regular practice days and the Summer League)
Trap (Regular practice days and Spring / Fall leagues)

pistol shoots
Venture crew (Youth Programs)
And More.....

We made good progress on the new storage building, It was a project that the membership were able to come and help out, and get to know some of the members that we had not met before (new and old).
The building will be completed in 2025 and will help to store and be a better place to service the clubs equipment.  

In the beginning of the Year, we will be putting together a schedule for the various 2025 events, so please check back and mark some dates on your calendar.

As we all know, the shooting sports are going to rely on the future generations being given a chance to try and participate, so invite a person or group to come out and see what we are all about.