SKEET Wednesday 2-5-25 (not cancelled due to weather
The Driveways (especially the rifle range hill), Parking areas and grounds are icy, because of the melting snow. Please take caution if you go to the club.
SKEET Wednesday 2-5-25 (not cancelled due to weathe
The Treasurer (Dan) has sent out the dues bills.
For working members, please check to confirm the correct hours are recorded and if there is a discrepancy, please contact the board.
Payment can be made by mail (to the address on the invoice) by check , or in person by cash or check.
Members can pay their dues in person at the January or the February monthly meeting.
Dan will be at the monthly meeting nights early at 5;00 pm for members who want to pay before the meeting starts.
In addition ,
Dan will be at the Madden house on Saturday January 18th and Saturday January 25th between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM to accept dues payments (cash or check).
Thank you Dan Zimmerman, Treasurer ARGC
Black Powder shoots on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Meet up at 9;00 AM and start shooting at 10:00 AM
Adults and Youths Welcome
Indoor Archery will Meet in the Main Clubhouse
Tuesdays - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
For anyone who doesn't have archery equipment, the club has archery equipment available to use.
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