The Treasurer (Dan) has sent out the dues bills.

The Club has set up an Electronic Payment System, for anyone that would like to use it. Please contact a board member to get information if you are interested.

For working members, please check to confirm the correct hours are recorded and if there is a discrepancy, please contact the board.

Payment can be made by mail (to the address on the invoice) by check , or in person by cash or check.

Members can pay their dues in person at the January or the February monthly meeting.

Dan will be at the monthly meeting nights early at 5;00 pm for members who want to pay before the meeting starts.

In addition ,
Dan will be at the Madden house on Saturday January 18th and Saturday January 25th between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM to accept dues payments (cash or check).

Thank you Dan Zimmerman, Treasurer ARGC